보르코시건 시리즈 12권: 시빌 캠페인 (Vorkosigan Saga: A Civil Campaign) #13
완벽하기를 바라 마지않던 마일즈의 정찬 자리는 점입가경으로 흐른다. 예카테린이 통산 세 번째로 청혼을 받는 장면에서 그야말로 데굴데굴 구르며 웃고 말았다. 마일즈가 고통을 겪을수록 재미는 급상승! 마일즈와 마크가 인생 최악의 순간을 맞이한 순간 세르그야에서 귀환한 보르코시건 백작 부부가 저택에 도착한다.
Miles's sinking heart collided with his drunken panic. I can't afford to lose this one, I can't, I can't. Forward momentum, forward momentum and bluff, those had won battles before.
"Yes, ah, heh, quite, well, so, that reminds me, Madame Vorsoisson, I'd been meaning to ask you-will you marry me?"
Dead silence reigned all along the table.
She visibly unlocked her throat, and spoke. Her word fell from her lips like ice chips, singly and shattering. "How strange. And here I thought you were interested in gardens. Or so you told me."
You lied to me hung in the air between them, unspoken, thunderously loud.
"There is something I need to say. Lord Vorkosigan, I resign my commission as your landscape designer. As of this moment, you no longer employ me. I will send the design and planting schedules on to you tomorrow, to pass on to my successor."